'Anaheim Fit Expo 2016 | Day 1 | Raw Vlog Style (08-27-16)'

'Anaheim Fit Expo 2016 | Day 1 | Raw Vlog Style (08-27-16)'
11:43 Mar 26, 2023
'Day 1 of running our first-ever DedFit Apparel booth at the Anaheim Fit Expo!  ➢ Shop DedFit Apparel: http://dedfitshop.com ➢ DedFit 10% Discount Code: YOUTUBE10  ➢ PEScience Athlete ➢ https://affiliates.pescience.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=263&url=1 ➢ PEScience 30% Off Code: KYLER  ➢ Lean Meals ➢ Personalized Link: http://www.leanmeals.com?afmc=kyler ➢ 10% Off Code: KYLER  ➢ Icon Meals ➢ http://www.iconmeals.com/1384-1-3-1.html ➢ 10% Off Code: KYLER  ➢ Pardomas Athlete ➢ Photo/Video Packages and Fitness Workshops ➢ www.pardomasathletes.com | www.pardomas.com ➢ Please mention that I referred you!  ➢ Filming and editing by: Austin Ray Olaes of Virul Studios https://www.facebook.com/virulstudios IG: @kingaustinray | @virulstudios [email protected]  ➢ 23 y/o | 6\'0\" | 210lbs ➢ Owner of DedFit ➢ Owner of Nutrition Zone Laguna Hills: http://instagram.com/nutritionzone_lh ➢ Personal Instagram: http://instagram.com/kylerjackson_dedfit ➢ Stacey\'s Instagram: http://instagram.com/staceysmyth ➢ DedFit Apparel Instagram: http://instagram.com/dedfit_apparel ➢ Personal Snapchat: kylerjackson21 ➢ Inquiries: [email protected]  ➢ Shipping Address:  Kyler Jackson DedFit Apparel P.O. Box 3465 Laguna Hills, CA 92654-3465' 

Tags: family , fitness , Workout , exercise , bodybuilding , vlog , training , fit , shredded , Apparel , ripped , 2016 , Shred , aesthetic , aesthetics , team , expo , lift , Booth , Anaheim , shredding , amanda bucci , dedicated , pescience , dedfit , kyler jackson , Nutrition Zone , team nz , stacey smyth , pardomas , carynnicole , jonny straws

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